Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Celebrity Bear Murders Trainer!!

We've all seen these cutesy-poo bear toys. Here we see the Sierra Club pimping it's own stuffed animal. Although we all know that the Sierra Club can't be trusted since they offer safe-harbor to all sorts of human-hostile animals including bears which should not be unexpected since these bear-toys are made in communist China by oppressed political prisoners. The blood of the innocent is all over these Sierra Club bear toys. One might think that the Sierra Club had hired Joseph Goebbels given the cleverness of this stunt.
These sorts of photos lead a person into a state mental and emotional unguardedness. Bears are cute. Bears love their cubs. Bears are all warm and cuddly. We've all heard that!
Well ... THAT'S WRONG!!!! This bear was caught a little offguard spewing his hatred and anger out towards others. He's a toxic beast and responsible for all kinds of mayhem and murdering. So it would seem obvious to not get close to one of these ill-willed creatures.
On April 24, 2008, San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Cindy Beavers (must have been her porn name!) announced that a celebrity bear (he had been in some low rent movie) had attacked and killed his trainer. It's a perfect case of biting the hand that feeds you and any 11 year old knows you shouldn't do that! The bear murdered his his trainer of many years by biting him right on the neck. This was nothing but a calculated cold-blooded, premeditated outright murder.

You know what the weirdest thing about this whole case is? That the murder took place in Big Bear Lake in California! I've never been to Big Bear Lake but it sounds like a place where bears run rampant murdering and probably raping and pillaging too. This is a disgusting story but serves as a warning that we need to continue to live in fear of bears.

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