Sunday, April 6, 2008

NEWSFLASH! Vegans Don't Eat Bears!

Asbjorn Intonsus has written a cookbook. We're supposed to be excited about this I guess. I looked through this book, and I did not find a single recipe using tasty bear meat. Not one. Hundreds of recipes and not a single one using bear meat. Was this just an oversight?

Asbjorn Intonsus, obviously not an American with a name like Asbjorn, is from Vegan (which explains his name). There are lots of bears in North America. The fact that there are no bears in his native Vegan is probably the reason that there are no bear recipes. Not even a bear stew!

This book is in the vein of Soy Not Oi according to I have no clue what that means, but it can't be good. Furthermore, this book is one in the line of cruelty-free cookbooks. Mr. Intonsus seems to believe that we shouldn't be cruel to bears. Why he would take such an absurd and indefensible position is beyond me. The damn book even has crossword puzzles and discussions of what music to listen to while eating. The point being that clearly Mr. Intonsus couldn't flesh out a real cookbook so he filled it with other stuff.

Let's face it. This cookbook is a snoozer. There are no bear recipes. In fact, as I perused the book, I don't recall seeing a single meat recipe. It's a mighty peculiar book.

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