Sunday, April 13, 2008

God Threatens Children with Bears

In what is a remarkable low for the field of advertising and organized religion, this new fear campaign takes the cake. Most of the major religions have gotten behind this campaign of intimidation by telling our children that they need to tow the line in church or they will be eaten by bears.

To add insult onto injury the ad actually contains profanity! Kids: Don't FUCK with God says the sign. It's amazing that they used a sexually connotated word like fuck to intimidate children. The last thing we need is to have children learn about sex! Although it's a horrible sign you have to hand it to the advertising agency - they knew exactly what would terrify children the most - that's right - BEARS. And in a perverse sickening way it makes sense to combine profanity with bears. They are profane creatures without souls. There's nothing we can really do. Forgive me for ranting, but I was so appalled at using God (who knew in advance not to give souls to bears) and bears to scare our children. They are our future - they deserve better than this.

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